"I don't even know where to start, this site is a mess, my github is a shute for everything, and my website has been in development for ... forever. But, Hi this is my page. I post semi competent projects here - usually for jams - some projects work others don't (Muzzle Flash). Please like, enjoy, and all the other bullshit. And thats my page."
- Mason John Hawver
It was a competent idea, I'll give him that - but the halfhearted try hard attempt to sound passionate yet uncaring is the total opposite of his purpose. He has set it up to appear detached from the result, yet the hours and sweat he has put in is honestly endearing. This is still a rumour, but this guy plans to build his own deffered render - an underdog to his core. He would rather understand the infeasibility of building an engine than sticking with godot. So mabey it isn't about the end result.